r of the Week
Each week our class will celebrate a "Star of the Week." I try to assign each student a week close to his/her birthday. All students will be star student at some point throughout the year. We are excited about celebrating your child! Here are some things you can expect when it's your child's turn to be Star Student...
Monday: Poster and Photos: Please have your child complete and send in the “Star Student” poster. You may also send in 5-6 photos of your child with family, at home, with pets, playing with friends, on vacation, on a sports team, etc. The poster and photos will be displayed on our Star of the Week board in class and will be sent home at the conclusion of the week.
Tuesday Show and Tell: Have your child choose an item to bring to school and share with the class. This can be a stuffed animal, small toy, trophy, etc. Your child will have the opportunity to show and tell about this item.
Wednesday Parent Letter: Please write and send in a letter to our class telling how special your child is to you. I will attach letter paper to use. Please send the letter in a sealed envelope and I will read it to the class. In the letter, you may share childhood memories, a special or silly story about your child, things we may not know about your child, or special events in his/her life.
Thursday Lunch Buddy: Your child will get to choose a friend to sit in class with him/her and eat lunch together. They will join Mrs. Burke for their lunch.
Friday Favorite Book: Have your child find a favorite book at home and bring it to school. Your child can tell the class a little about the book and why it is his/her favorite.