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Behavior & Rewards
In our classroom students will ALWAYS be expected to treat others with kindness and respect. To promote positivity in the classroom, we use several different forms of behavior reinforcements. Please check out the information below to learn more!
Class Dojo is a way to electronically track students' behavior. Students can earn "dojo points" for working hard, helping others, demonstrating responsibility, completing homework, and following the 7 Habits. Students may also lose "dojos" when rules are not followed. This can be a great tool to redirect students and remind them to make better choices. Students' behavior choices will be reflected with a picture visual on their daily "Homework and Behavior" sheet. At the end of each week, students will have the opportunity to "shop" at the Dojo store for a variety of reward choices. Students may choose to spend their dojos, or save them up for a larger reward.
"Beat the Teacher" is a whole-class reward system used in our classroom. Throughout the day students will have challenges to complete that can only be accomplished by working together (lining up quietly, cleaning up, etc.) If students successfully complete the challenge, "Team Class" gets a point. If the class is not able to work together to complete the goal, "Team Teacher" will get a point. Students will work to complete a whole-class reward puzzle using the points they earn from "Team Class." Some examples may include pajama party, extra recess, eat lunch with the teacher, etc. This is a great way to create a positive classroom community and encourage teamwork!
If your child brings home a "Think Sheet," this may indicate that several incidents took place in which I felt that it was necessary for the student to think about his or her choices, and partake in some form of consequence. Think sheets are designed to promote self-reflection, encourage students to take ownership of their actions, and focus on making positive choices in the future. If you see a "Think Sheet" in your child's folder, please sign and return the page.
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